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Getting Started – Which Australian Visa Is Best


You know what you want to do, but you’re not sure which visa matches your situation, right? Tourist visa, fiancée visa (prospective marriage visa), spouse visa (partner visa)?

Have a look at the flowchart below.

  • Do you wish to MARRY or not?
  • Click on the box that matches what you want to do, and read about that visa
  • Then complete a free online visa assessment form


Watch our Australian Visas How It Works video



Which Australian visa is best to bring your Filipina lady from Philippines to Australia, or your Thai lady from Thailand to Australia, or your Vietnamese lady from Vietnam to Australia or your Cambodian (Khmer) lady from Cambodia to Australia. Permanent visas (eg partner visas) or temporary visas (eg visitor visas).

Partner Visas aka Spouse Visas (Subclass 309/100 or 820/801) Onshore Partner Visa on a Tourist Visa Prospective Marriage Visas, aka Fiancée Visas or Fiancé Visas (Subclass 300) Partner Visas aka Spouse Visas (Subclass 309/100 or 820/801) Onshore Partner Visa on a Tourist Visa Onshore Partner Visa on a Tourist Visa Australian Partner Visas for De Facto Couples Australian Tourist Visa (aka Visitor Visa) Long Stay Tourist Visa De Facto


Temporary or Permanent Visa?


What we mean in this instance is the difference between whether the visa applicant is coming to Australia for a finite number of months and then returning to their country again, versus her coming to Australia for good and not returning again.

So if this is just meant to be a visit? Choose TEMPORARY. If you’re in a committed relationship right now and intend staying together? Choose PERMANENT.




That means if you are definitely committed to marrying, either soon or within 9 months of a visa grant. You just need to decide which country you plan on marrying in.

And the “marrying” option also applies if you are already married! Same visa choices!


Where to marry? Australia or Philippines/Thailand/Vietnam/Cambodia?


Can’t decide where you should marry? Wondering which is best for a visa, and have heard the chatter on the online advice forums? “They prefer that you marry in Philippines!”, and “They prefer when you marry in Australia!” So which one is better for a wedding, and which one is better for the visa?

Answer is this:

YOU decide where you would prefer to marry, and we will make the visa happen! There is no “better place”. It’s whatever makes you happy.

Please read this so you can make an informed choice:


De Facto Relationship


Note that this means a live-in relationship, where you lead a shared-life. It’s not just a boyfriend and girlfriend relationship, nor is it an option if you’re just not ready to commit yet.


Haven’t met in person yet


If you haven’t met, you need to do so ASAP before you talk to us. We don’t want to waste your time and money lodging an application that will more-than-likely be refused. Take a trip to the lady’s country, and spend some time getting to know each other.


How do we start? What’s next?


Can we assume at this point you’ve done your online assessment, right? If not, please make a start on that by clicking the banner below, because we can’t do anything unless we know about you, your situation and what you want.


Free online visa assessment form from Down Under Visa

COVID CONCERNS? From 21 Feb 2022 the Australian border will be open. You just need a visa and to be double-vaxed! Click above and get a free assessment!



How do Migration Agents work?


Please have a read of this: and you can see how a modern Migration Agent works, in the most convenient way possible.

Wondering about “What are my requirements?”? Wondering what documents and relationship evidence you need, and wondering if we expect you to have all of this at the start? No, not at all. There is no “standard list”, or at least there shouldn’t be. No two applications are alike, and no one should expect that one size will fit all. Something else to read: . You will see that we have all of this covered, and we will be with you every step of the way.


Done the assessment and want to start?


Click the button at the bottom of your assessment letter (which you’ll receive after spending five minutes doing our online assessment), and we will take over from that point. Follow the instructions. Be prepared for a lot of work, and be prepared for us telling you what you need to hear. You’ll be in safe hands all the way to the day of the visa grant. Welcome in advance!




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