Tourist Visas and Partner Visas to Australia
from the Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam and Cambodia
Want to bring your sweetheart to Australia? Tourist Visas or Partner Visas?
Jeff Harvie from Down Under Visa talks candidly about the options of bringing your sweetheart from the Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam and Cambodia to Australia.’Temporary visas or permanent visas? Tourist Visas or Partner Visas? Jeff discusses the options and when you should consider each one.
Temporary Visas – Tourist Visas (aka Visitor Visas)
Do you want her to visit you for a short time? Just a visit? Perfectly OK and acceptable to bring your lady or gentleman friend on an Australian Tourist Visa (aka Visitor Visa) to visit you for three months. You should look at this option if:
- Your relationship is still young and you want to get to know each other more before taking the plunge.
- One or both of you is waiting on an annulment or a divorce before moving forward.
If this is the case? Happy to help you. But don’t think it’s an easy step from a tourist visa to a partner visa. If you want to be together permanently and are ready? A tourist visa ALONE is not the answer for you.
Permanent Visas – Partner Visas (Onshore, Offshore or Prospective Marriage Visas)
Are you at that stage in your relationship where you are sure that she (or he) is “the one”? Can you bear the idea of being apart? Happy to put her on a plane back to the Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam or Cambodia and wave her off with a smile? Or definitely not??!! Jeff will discuss the option of an Australian Partner Visa for your:
- Wife or husband
- Fiancee
- De facto partner
……from the Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam or Cambodia. Partner Visas allow your sweetheart to remain permanently in Australia to enjoy a stable life with you, without any concerns about having to leave. You can start your family together in Australia, and eventually she can take the logical option of Australian Citizenship. Please watch, listen and enjoy. Hope this video will make the situation clearer for you, and you will be ready to get a FREE VISA ASSESSMENT and move forward to make your dreams come true!
Down Under Visa
Down Under Visa are THE specialist Registered Migration Agents (MARN 0959797) based in Manila Philippines, who manage visa applications for Australian Citizens and Permanent Residents who fall in love with ladies in:
- The Philippines
- Thailand
- Vietnam
- Cambodia
They provide expert advice and management of your visa application so you can bring your sweetheart to Australia. They also manage family visas for couples, their children and their parents.
- Subclass 300 Prospective Marriage visa
- Subclass 820 Onshore Partner Visa
- Subclass 309 Offshore Partner Visa
- Subclass 600 Visitor Visa
- Subclass 461 New Zealand Citizens Family Relationship Visa
- Subclass 445 Dependent Child Visa
- Subclass 101 Child Visa
- Subclass 870 Temporary Parent Visa
- Citizenship By Descent
- Citizenship By Conferral

Questions: Please search our BLOG menu or Visa Knowledge Base
Questions about visa types we don’t handle, or about countries we don’t apply for visas from, will not be answered, Philippines to Australia visas for couples and families only.
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