Australian Tourist Visa (aka Visitor Visa)
Need a tourist visa from Cambodia to Australia? Australian tourist visa, also known as Visitor Visa. Commonly called “holiday visas” too, travel visas, visa 600’s, or very often “Just a simple tourist visa”. Well, actually they are not a simple visa application as many imagine, although many assume otherwise that such a visa application will be a mere formality (and are shocked when it’s refused!)
Anyone who is not an Australian Citizen requires a visa to enter Australia. No visa, no entry. This especially applies to tourist visa applications. And Australian tourist visas, because many believe they are easy and quick, are the preferred choice of those dishonest and non-genuine visa applicants who intend to overstay in Australia to work illegally on the black market. So if you ARE a genuine visitor visa applicant, you need to prove that you are NOT intending to overstay and breach visa conditions!
Successfully getting a tourist visa from Cambodia to Australia
Refusal of tourist visa applications to Australia from Cambodia and other less-affluent countries is surprisingly common. There are a lot of scams and clever schemes designed to “trick” the Embassy, often sadly encouraged by Khmer travel agents or by well-meaning family and friends, or from the various online advice forums and Facebook groups. Fortunately Down Under Visa know all of the urban myths and are familiar with all the dreadful advice about what to say and what visitor visa requirements are supposedly necessary (like “show money”), and we can keep you on the straight-and-narrow path to an honest tourist visa grant.
If you are a genuine visitor, ie. if you want to go to Australia for a short visit for tourism purposes or to visit friends or family, we stand a great chance of getting you a tourist visa from Cambodia to Australia.
Note that visitor visas for recreation, holidaying, sightseeing and seeing Australia as a genuine tourist are less common from Cambodia due to the costs involved which are often out of reach to the average Khmer (which the Embassy Case Officers know only too well). But please ask us, and be assured of an honest appraisal of your case.
Our greatest successes (in fact we have exceptional success rates) are with the Australian Khmer couples who meet and fall in love, and want her to visit Australia to enhance their relationship ie. see if she likes Australia and if she will be happy there with her Australian man on a permanent basis and to visit the friends and relatives of the Australian sponsor. If you are a Khmer lady or Khmer man in a genuine loving relationship with an Australian, or if you are an Australian who wants their sweetheart from Cambodia to visit you, then please use the FREE ASSESSMENT FORM at the top of the page. We have a very high success rate with genuine visa applicants and have had thousands of visa grants over the years, particularly where they have met in person as a sign of their commitment to each other.
Back in the good ol’ days we had very little difficulty in dealing with visa refusals. Clients would come to us after having a try-and-fail tourist visa refusal from an application they did by themselves. We would use our expertise and re-apply for them and usually get a tourist visa grant for them!
Well…..things have changed over the last year or so. Nowadays it’s extremely difficult and sometimes apparently impossible to get a tourist visa grant after a visa application is refused! If you put together a moderately detailed application and it was refused? Very unlikely that even experienced professionals like us to make them change their minds about you!
It’s now very hard to get a tourist visa grant after a tourist visa refusal. Please read CLICK HERE.
Strongest suggestion? If the outcome of this application matters, and you don’t want to be stuck apart for the near and the distant future? Use the experts to manage your tourist visa application professionally, as we do hundreds of times every year.
Information contained in this page is of a general nature. Informative, yes, but not a formula for preparing visa applications and should not be relied on as such. The devil is in the detail, rest assured. Australian migration law is complicated and Departmental decisions are inflexible and often final. Readers and future visa applicants and sponsors are advised to rely on professionals to ensure a happy outcome.
How To Apply For An Australian Tourist Visa With Your Cambodian Passport

So if you are a genuine visitor from Cambodia, especially if you want to spend time with your Australian boyfriend or girlfriend (or an Australian fiancee, fiance or spouse) or even a family member, then we can help you by preparing a visa application which is complete and honest and which meets the Regulations in Australian Migration Law.
We can give you precise visa requirements for an Australian tourist visa that are right for your situation, and we can then check those visa requirements that you send us for correctness. We are thorough and we are absolutely honest. No lies or scams, and no promising a fast visa grant.
Yes, we lodge Australian visa applications online with our business IMMI Account, but that doesn’t make it go faster. No clever schemes to fool the authorities. Our success rate very high, all without ever telling lies. And what’s more, we won’t take you on as a client unless we believe you will be successful.
Australian Tourist Visa Pros and Cons